Friday, February 15, 2013

Bunka Rug kits from Linda Raih

Kit #150, $10. Finished size 3.5 inch

Kit #176, $14. Finished size 4 9/16 x 3 1/2". This one was tedious to finish as it has frequent color changes and lots of small areas.

Kit #184, $10. Finished size 3 1/8 x 4 1/2

I bought these kits from Linda Raih at the NAME National Convention in Charlotte 2012. These are my 1st bunka rugs. They are easy and fast to finish. I finished the Poinsettia rug in 3-4 hrs, the oval Aubusson-like rug in 5-6 hrs, and the flower rug with checkered border in 8-10 hrs. She doen't have names for the kits, just a numbering system.

Written instructions are very good, and she has specific pointers about what to do and  what not to do. You just basically unravel the bunka so it gets crinkly and start gluing. You only need 3 items---a good pair of sharp scissors, good tweezers, and a glue bottle with a needle tip. She has a B&W chart with written instructions about which color to begin with, next etc, but referral to the full color finished item is what I mostly referred to. The color scheme is pretty simple.

The kit came with color photo of finished item, the bunka, pre-printed rug pattern, and written instructions. You should have left over bunka, which you can save for other mini projects.

She has over 50 bunka rug kits, but I picked the smaller ones to try out. You can contact her at

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