Thursday, May 14, 2015

2015 Madison Houseparty Helpers & Silent Auction

These are Houseparty Helpers I lusted after, but didn't win--boo hoo. At least I have pictures to inspire and remind me of what I saw, and perhaps could create something similar one day.

 Shotgun House from Sue Herber kit, donated by Dolores Kelley

Donated by Faye Machala

This was by my friend Loretta Snee.

 Rosemary Shipman's Lemonade and Lace. I really wanted to win this, and put most of my tickets in the box, but didn't work. It was won by Faye Zerbolio. The left side of the house has a room at the top and at the bottom that is open for viewing, so there is something interesting to look at on all sides of the house.

This was a group project/donation in which every club member had to donate at least one item to the roombox. This is a county fair featuring cakes, pies, birdhouses, baskets, quilts, plants, and artwork on display for judging.

This was created and donated by Betty de Witt, who has a great sense of humor, make terrific miniature vignettes, and marries miniatures with music, movement and light.
The scene is lighted, has multiple dolls, and plays the song "Gypsy Woman."
You can check out her website at "" and she uses sound cards from 1-2-3 Electronics.

This was won by Cindy McDaniels.

Two cheese rounds containing furnished rooms inhabited by mice and landscaped on the outside.
An Easter miniature vignette housed on top of what else, but an Easter gift basket.

The following are Silent Auction items (see the number tags?) that caught my eye or just inspired me.
 An ME Hatbox containing a QS house with furnishings inside.
 Another ME house inside an ME book, furnished with brown plastic furniture.
This is a book with real pages and a window box projecting from the book cover.

Open the book and there's a set of display shelves for miniatures which have been set inside book pages--a Shannon Moore specialty.

 A well done 1950s diner inside a mini lunchbox.


 This was donated by Alician Pearce--beautiful charming little house. All furnished, too!

 French knot rug from Christ Ernst. She says it has 1500 knots!!!!
 A free project from Paula Isaacs a few years back--I really need to make one up.

 A set of Avon dollhouse furniture, suitable for half scale is my guess.

 This was from Carol Gill.
 From Faye Zernolio--she does beautiful petitpoint.
 An inspiring H-roombox by Carol Gill in blue.

OK, so I bid on these books, and wouldn't you know it, I got into a bidding war--and lost.

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